Thursday, December 23, 2010

Should be....

These are the things I SHOULD be doing while Millie sleeps: (This is my way of making a list)

- Cleaning the's not bad, but it needs to be done before we leave tomorrow! Gotta remember to take my mother-in-law her pie pan back. It's in the dishwasher...dirty. Bottles need to be washed too...surprise, surprise.

- Addressing a card to H with the Similac coupon.

- Emailing Similac to ask WHY they are NOT putting the soy formula in the big tubs. UGH! I already did that once...they said they'd send me a coupon for my patience. They sent me a card for a FREE TUB of formula...WHICH THEY STILL DON'T sell in Soy! Yeesh!

- Putting the folded towels away and hanging up the hang up clothes.

- Getting the beautiful flowers that Clint gave me last week (that are no longer beautiful) ready to take out to the dumpster.

- Doing my hair. I got it cut on Monday. I got bangs. THEY are DRIVING me CRAZY! If I'd actually style it, they may not bug me so badly. But why style when all I am doing is staying home and packing?

- Putting my camera in Millie's Diaper bag so I don't foget it for the big Christmas adventure.

- Mailing one last Christmas card to the Boyd's. Didn't mean to forget them. Oops!

- Checking the bank account for the Sirius charge. I need to write the EXACT amount in my checkbook.

What I am actually doing with the much appreciated nap time that is slowly coming to and end as I type this....

-Writing my blog

-browsing Facebook and contemplating deleting a few peeps

-drinking a Diet Coke

-eating my FAVORITE candy...Ferrero Rocher

-Watching the Doctors

-Reclining in the recliner

It's okay right??? It will all get done! At least I have a list of things to do now!

Enjoying my Christmas break for sure!

Until next time,