Friday, March 13, 2009


Yesterday as my kiddos ate their snack after naptime, they were allowed to have some talking time. What this means, is that they sit in their chairs and they chit chat, like they have wanted to do all day! Sometimes their conversations absolutely crack me up!

Yesterday some were eating green apples and others were eating granola bars. One of them piped up with "raise your hand if you have a green apple, raise your hand if you have a granola bar." They all followed suit and raised their hands at the appropriate time. This then turned into :

"Raise your hand if you like bananas"
"Raise your hand if you like pizza"
"Raise your hand if you like red apples"
"Raise your hand if you like McDonalds"
"Raise your hand if you like Peanut butter and jelly"

You get the point!

For those of you that read my last post, you met a girl named Olivia Rose Bartlebaugh Tinkerbell Rockstar Sam. She is the star of this post again today. She bravely spoke up and said to the whole class.....

"Raise your hand if you like to go to Starbucks and get a vanilla scone!"

The class went silent, all eyes were on her and they all stared....of course none of them knew what in the world she was talking about! It was THE funniest thing to witness!!! She simply shrugged her shoulders and said "What?!?! I like it!"

I told her mom this morning and she laughed so hard that she cried! Hilarious!

I hope your weekend is fantastic!

Holly: Enjoy your spring break....I wish it were mine too...two more weeks for me and I will see you soon! Love ya and am praying for you!

Dani: BE CAREFUL in Chicago and have a blast!

Elizabeth: I hope you are feeling well and taking good care of my neice or nephew inside of you!



H said...

Thanks for the shout out! I can't wait to see you either! Keep the comedy coming:)