Monday, September 13, 2010

2 Months!!!

Our sweet Millie is two months old today! I have a two month old!

Things are really great here besides the fact that I am fighting a cold and possibly coming down with an ear infection...ouch!

I have been back to work for 2 weeks and am wondering if I am ever going to get in the "flow" this year. Once everything has it's place in my classroom, I think things will go much smoother! I love my class of 10 year olds and am adjusting to the fact that I am the Grade Level Chair person of the 4th grade...people come to me!

Clint is busy with football season, but we are in a nice flow at home. This flow will last until basketball sneaks it's way into our lives once again.

My grandparents came to visit this past Friday. They arrived about 4pm, and were on the road by 10 am on Saturday. It was quick, which was nice since we really NEED our weekends around here to make sense of life again.

My Mom and Larry will be doing abou the same thing this upcoming weekend to celebrate my 28th birthday. Clint asked me last night if 28 is a big deal to me. It's not because I am EXACTLY where I want to be in is wonderful!

And now for the star of this post...(by the way, I've given myself 10 minutes to write and it is 5:45 in the morning)

Millie Kaye!

Millie is doing GREAT! She is still eating like a champ and has bumped herself up to about 5 ounces at each feeding...some feedings she stops at 4, but others she just keeps on going. She and Daddy hang out every day until about 1:00 in the afternoon...and he loves it. She gets dropped off at Mrs. Sara's house about 1:30 and I arrive to pick her up about 4:45 each day. It has really been a smooth transition and we LOVE Mrs. Sara! Clint really loves the schedule because he has YET to have to change a poopy diaper...Millie saves them for Mrs. Sara!

Sleeping has gotten a TON better! for the last FIVE nights, she is in her crib between 9 and 9:30...she will grunt and groan and wiggle as she slowly falls asleep. She is up again between 3 and 4 to eat which is when Clint takes over. I am SO thankful we have gotten her to go down earlier, since at night time it's just she and I. I have about 23 4th graders who are thankful too! ;)

Millie is wearing 0-3 month clothes. I just went through the next section of her closet, 3-6 months, to see what I could find. We are going to be making the switch from summer to fall soon and I want her to be able to wear all her cute summer clothes.

I have a huge pile of clothes to go to the Women's Pregnancy Center...brand new...that she won't have the chance to wear. Glad I can find a place for them!

Back to Millie...she smiles now...a lot! I LOVE it! She has started following us with her eyes which just makes my heart melt! Ahhh I love her. She makes the cutest noises too! She gets very excited and it really seems like she is going to laugh...don't think it will be too long until that happens.

She has just started FREAKING OUT lately when Clint or I pick her up from the floor. We seriously have to get down really close, talk to her, touch her and slowly pick her up really close to us so she doesn't panic. I guess we were just startling her. It broke our hearts! I think she is a scaredy cat like her mommy!

Well...that is all for the moment! Thanks for being patient with may be another month before I blog again!

Much love,


H said...

I'm glad you feel like you're getting into the swing of things...I'm sure it just takes time!

I'm glad you're family is getting to visit, too...for short periods of time:) Weekends are awesome!

YAY for schedules! Doesn't it feel great to know that you made it happen?:)

The clothes thing...I finally took a bunch of our summer ones back where they came from to get money for winter clothes...she would never have worn them all either. It is still baffling to me the amount of clothes these girls got...

I miss you! And...don't you think that CAK has gotten a little slack in the commenting department?:)

Love yoU!