Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Quest for Minnie

I've known Millie's 2nd birthday was on it's way.  I've thought about it for a while now.  I just COULD NOT decide on a theme for her party.  Rediculous I know.  She LOVES cupcakes, which she calls "Happy Cakes" and she LOVES Minnie.  I finally decided that since this is our big Disney trip summer to do a Minnie party. 

Minnie Mouse shouldn't be too hard to find right?? WRONG!

I first spotted the decor at my parent's walmart in Warner Robins.  "Aw...cute!  That is what we will do!  I'll get it when we get home."  That was my thought process.  I saw them again in Tifton while waiting for my pink-eye medication.  I was in so much pain at that time that to figure out how many of what we would need was out of the question.  "I'll get it at home."

I know I still have 3 or so weeks until her party, but I knew I needed to get the invitations out and I am losing a week due to our trip. to Walmart we went yesterday.  NONE...NADA!  It wasn't as if they were all sold out, it was just that our rinky-dink Walmart wasn't "carrying the Minnie Mouse pattern."  UGH!  It was Dora or Princesses.  No thanks.  I was so irritated! 

I came home to order online.  But that just wasn't going to happen due to our time frame.  Finally, I jsut decided that Millie and I would head to Tallahassee today and get the job done.  We did it and everything we needed was there.  What a relief.

As I read back through this post, I realize how trivial this problem was and I realize there are people going through so much worse than not finding the "right" birthday decor.  I am thankful that God allowed this little, minor detail to work out for us!  I am blessed to know he cares about the little things too!

I spent Millie's naptime getting all the info filled out, the envelopes stuffed and addressed.  Now for stamps and actually getting them in the mailbox!

Still cannot believe my sweet babygirl is turning 2!!!!!


H said...

Trivial...yes...but since God sees the number of hairs on our head and when a bird falls, I think He knows when we can't find Minnie:) Nothing wrong with working your plan!:)

PS ~ The package was supposed to get there today...and although it isn't Disney-themed, it is vacation-themed, so I wanted to go ahead and get it used:)