Friday, September 27, 2013


Happy Friday!

This has been one CA-RA-ZY week!  Seriously!

Monday, Clint left for Savannah for the week for a business trip.  I have been DREADING this week for quite a while because I knew I’d be in charge for 4 whole days/nights!  Thankfully it hasn’t been that bad and the kids have slept pretty good!  Oh, and we put an offer on a house we love!  We had to raise our offer due to finding out someone else put an offer down too.  We shall see!

Tuesday, we get a call from the lawyer’s office that is handling the closing on our house in Thomasville.  Well, basically they waited until the very last minute to get the papers to us to sign, notarize and overnight back to them.  It was a big ole mess because Clint was out of town.  And on Tuesday he was on a 15 passenger white van going on a farm tour, farm to farm to farm.  He was at a loss as to how he was going to get his stuff signed, notarized and over-nighted.  Thankfully people overheard the 435 phone calls he took and helped him out.  They stopped in Vidalia (The Onion Capital) and he was able to go to the courthouse and the post office.  Long story short…we closed on our house!  All the little details worked out and with a wire transfer of a chunk of money…SOLD!

Wednesday was normal.  I got to watch the new Nashville!  It is amazing that I now can stay up until 11:00!  Don’t have to be up as early with my new job and I just sit at a computer so I can be dead to the world for a little bit!

Thursday rocked my little world.  Well, God rocked my happy little Samantha world!  I had an 8:00 appointment for Worksmart which is through the hospital to get my drug screen and physical since I am a new hire with the City of Tifton.  WELL….looong story short…the doctor comes in and small talks for a bit.  He tells me about his 80 year old mother and his mentally challenged adult sister and the fact that he too is trying to find a house so he can move them from Alabama to Tifton so he can take care of them.  One thing led to another and we found out that HE IS THE OTHER OFFER on the house we put the offer on.  I’m not joking!  We were flabbergasted!  We even had a little church up in that doctor’s office.  God did that.  He did that for me.  For little ole Samantha!  I want that house so badly…In my mind, I KNOW it is perfect for us.  We are still waiting to hear if we got it or if we didn’t.  But now, after my experience yesterday, if we don’t get it, I will not be sad.  I will not be disappointed.  I will know that someone else needed it more.  I will put my head on the pillow and thank the Lord for my healthy children.  I love HIM!

See, I told you it was crazy!

Until next time,
