Monday, June 15, 2009

Back from Disney....

Well, we made it! We went to Disney last week and had a great time! I will spare you from our day to day routine, but please know that fun was had by all. Please also know that we will probably NEVER do a week long vacation with my parents and grandparents again. I don't want to bash anyone, but if you know me and know my family, specifically one member, you totally get it! The first 2 1/2 days were great...exciting, new and fun. After that...well...let's just go back to...NEVER again! :)

We got home Friday night to our Apartment which had freshly cleaned carpet! That was the perk we got for signing another year lease with them. We could have chosen a new kitchen faucet for the sink or dining room light fixture...but we wanted something that would benefit clean carpet it was! It looked so nice! Before we unloaded a single thing from the jeep we had to go through and put everything back in its place..chairs, lamps, stuff...etc. Then we unloaded and chilled. I believe we had Zaxby's for supper and went to bed! Vacations are always great but the saying "I need a vacation to recover from my vacation" is oh so true. Good thing I get one!!

We went to church on Sunday and it was great to be back! I made myself available downstairs in the children's church area for questions/comments/concerns and let me tell you...I got some! It is a good thing I have learned to smile and hold my words throughout my life, because it is really coming in handy! I totally get the change that people want to see, but they don't understand that I can't do it alone and I can't do it in a matter of days. Sheesh!

Today is Monday and is my first true day of "Summer Break." I slept until about 11:00. Ate lunch with my hubby then sent him on to work. Two loads of laundry, emails to some church folk, Cleaned out my car, mailed a package, Spent some time with the Lord, read a few chapters in a great book, spent countless time on Facebook and here I sit. I am getting up now to go start supper before Clint comes home and we settle in to watch the Batchelorette....that's right, I said WE! Please don't tell him I said that! :)

Oh yeah...and we celebrated our One Year Anniversary on June 7th! Go us!

Until next time,


rickaren said...

It's about time you posted something-- I check yours and Holly's blog everyday. . . I know, I need to get a life! =)
Glad you're home and enjoying yourself. Looking forward to July!!!