Monday, June 22, 2009

Several things on my mind....

Goodbye...I really don't like saying goodbye! I didn't like saying it when I left college, I REALLY didn't like it when I left Nashville and I had a rough time saying it last night! Since getting married, moving and starting a new job, this time last year, we have met quite a few people. One couple in particular reached out to us more than anyone ever has. I got along great with Rachelle and Clint and Dan had so much in common. They invited us over so many times and always treated us like royalty! We loved their dog, Beasly and playing Rockband. She made THE best fettichini alfredo (she is Italian) I have ever tasted and they introduced us to PEGGLE (my new favorite video game). They are great people and we are really going to miss them! We wish them all the best as they start fresh in Lynchburg, VA. Dan will be working on his masters and hopefully get a teaching job for next year. Rachelle has gotten a job working with a Gym, starting an all-star cheerleading program from the ground up! Pretty cool huh? I know that life will go on and things will change, but right now, I am having a pitty party! We are so happy for Facebook!

Speaking of Facebook...mine is blowing up with comments at the moment. I simply wrote "Samantha Thompson has officially black listed Jon and Kate plus Eight." Not the people, I do pray for them, they are real people, with 8 real children, and real hearts! My heart breaks for those children. Their parents have chosen this. We all have our beliefs on right and wrong when it comes to divore, and let me just say, those kids WILL suffer. I don't care how they try to "work it out" with scheduling and making life as "normal as possible." They will struggle and suffer as the days go on. Take it from me! (And I don't even have to deal with paparazzi... they haven't found me) My parents divorced when I was 15 and my sister was 10. I know the Love of my Savior and the peace that He offers, I have all of that. this day...12 years, a high school diploma, a blended family on one side, a college degree, a blended family on the other, wonderful friends, awesome life experiences, a steady job that I love, and the most amazing husband a girl could ask for....I STILL STRUGGLE!!! To be honest, I still have days that I blame myself...yeah...I said it! I can't imagine the crapola that those kiddos will face as the years go on. I know I probably sound like such a weirdo for caring about "people I will never meet," but I can't help it. Clint and I shook hands tonight vowing to not watch their show anymore. I just can't. I will however pray for them, by name, everyday! Sheesh....

On a lighter note...we leave Wednesday for a whole week of farming in Tifton, GA. I know I have mentioned this before, but my in-laws are watermelon and canteloupe farmers. I always get giddy around this time of year because in my words.."it's so neat," "it's so fun." I kind of get the eye roll from everyone else involved with it because they are so used to it. Last summer was my first real taste of it and I will is HARD WORK...but I still think it is neat, and I still think it is somewhat fun! Hopefully we will make a little cash too! ;)

I have pretty much been up to nothing the last week or so. Just a little sleeping in, laundry, cooking, and work for my Church job. Life is good. I LOVE my husband, I CHOOSE to LOVE my husband daily, and for the record...I am SO IN LOVE with my husband! Ladies...hug him, kiss him, appreciate him, pray for him, view him as your prince...your husband that is! :)

Until next time,


carrie said...

I too watched last night's episode and I was so dissapointed in their decision to separate. I won't continue watching them but prayed for their family to somehow work it out. How sad. Good reminder to pray for our husbands too, even more so after seeing that episode...I will lift up my husband in prayer more often.

M/J Granata said...

Samantha... I love this post! You are so cute! I love my husband, too! Take care of you... and the hubby!!!! Smiles and hugs for you! I can eat me some watermelon!!!!! :)

H said...

I've been a bad bad friend...sorry for just now commenting! I hope you had a blast in Tifton; it would be so fun to be on the farm I think! And I'm very glad to say that I'll be saying HELLO to you in a mere 17 days...YAY!!! Love you!