Oh the joy of Show and Tell. These kids are hilarious! Today was show and tell day. I have some that are super prepared and thrilled about the experience and then I hae some that seem to forget and grab whatever they can get their hands on. Today was no different.
Squary: This just so happened to be a blue square that was part of our lesson from a few days ago. The students had to cut the square out. McKayla found her square in her bag and decided to use that for show and tell.
McKayla: This is my square
Me: Does your square have a name
McKayla: Yes, Squary
Beautiful huh? She went back to her seat and I saw her give squary a hug and say "I love you squary"! So funny!
Tireka: This poor little thing came in with no pants on. Tireka is the name of the doll. I got so cracked up when she told me the name of her doll that I could not stop laughing. The kids just laughed right along with me. It was great!
Yesterday one of my little guys came on with a big pouty face on. After asking him what was wrong, he said..."my daddy made me cry like a girl." Must have heard that one before. Poor guy!
One more thing before I close:
A conversation I overheard between Katryana and McKayla:
K: I see your tatoo
M: I know
K: It's Sparkely
M: yep
K: I have sparkely lipstick
M: I know, I see some on your mouth
K: nope, that's just food!
Until Next time,
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