Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yes Sir!

So...the transfer has happened! I got a new young man in my class this week. He was transferred from another 4K due to his behavior. So...I am the new girl....that gets the discipline "situations" (I refuse to use the word problem) Go figure...but that is a whole other blog.

Anywho...I have had to use a FIRM voice and FIRM actions this week to show this dude who was boss and that he isn't going to be pushing me around.

During class today we were cutting out zig zag shapes for them to learn how to use their scissors. This young man, Z, was cutting fine and then proceeded to crumble up his shape that he just cut out. I told him..."Do not crumble that up, it is not you understand?" "Yes Ma'am".... so, I continued walking around the room but kept my eye on him. For some reason 4 year olds don't think teachers are able to walk around and watch them at the same time. I watched him take that shape and put it in his desk and keep his hands inside....I KNEW what he was doing. I walked over, took his hands out of his desk and low and behold, his completely crumbled shape. I marched him straight to Time out and there he sat. 5 minutes later, I went to him to "discuss" the problem. He was able to explain to me why he was in time out and that he isn't supposed to disobey. I said again..."Do you understand"...."Yes ma'am" was his reply, then I said something to the effect of "what else"....waiting for an apology....however, I simply received a "yes sir". Poor guy. I guess I have to work on my questioning with 4 year olds.

One more thing before my long trek home! The 3K classes come out to recess with us pretty regularly. The new thing for the girls in those classes is to be "married and have 101 babies"...(that's what one little one told me). The set off to find someone who will marry them during recess. Well....a group of three little ones come running up to their teacher, who I happened to be standing by....and said... in their little whiny 3 year old way...."teacher, no body will marry Maddy"......SO FUNNY!

Until next time,


Dani said...

i feel for Maddy...hahaha...