Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pajama Day Panic

Yesterday was Pajama Day! Our class has been raising money for the upcoming Harvest Fest and we finally met our goal of $1,000! To celebrate we had a popcicle party, a icecream sundae party, a popcorn party, pajama day and princess/superhero day! The kids LOVE it and enjoy every little thing!

Communication is a HUGE part of running my class successfully! To advertise Pajama Day I emailed every parent, sent a flyer home, wrote it on the white board outside my room and verbally told every parent and child. You would think that would be enough...but this time it wasn't. The kids were coming in with their cinderella, hannah montana (yes, 4 year olds), spiderman, superman, baseball and barbie pj's. They were really cute and so proud to show them off. One little girl and her dad walked in...she was in jeans and a t shirt. She IMMEDIATELY started SOBBING. Her dad's response to her was "you didn't tell me." I could have screamed at him right then. Instead I took her in my arms and consoled her the best that I could. I felt so so bad for her.

I little bit later....Z....(who most of my posts seem to be about lately) comes up to me and we have this conversation:

Z: Mrs. Thompson I have to tell you something (said in the most serious tone, thankfully only for me to hear)
Me: What is that Z?
Z: You have to tell Lily that she has to leave our class because she doesn't have on Pajamas!!
Me: (in shock) We have to be kind Z, Lily just forgot and she can stay in our class!

Poor little girl!

Well, that is about all for now....other than Z just informing me that his blanket smells like dog food.

Have a great rest of your week.
Until next time,


Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog! Keep up the good work!