Saturday, September 19, 2009

So...WE'RE MOVING! read that right! This thought NEVER entered our minds until..we saw a sign! "I saw the sign, and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign..."

Yesterday I came home from work and saw a sign that said 3 Bedroom apartments for a MUCH cheaper price then we pay for our 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment. I just thought...hmmm...

In walks Clint. "Hey, did you see that sign?" So off we went to the apartment office to ask a few questions. we are...LESS than 24 hours later...packing up our apartment ready to move!

Yeah, it is only accross the street to another apartment, but it is SO much better!
Here are our pros:

1) Upstairs! More privacy and no people peeking in your open patio door.
2) Fireplace...Yes...A FIREPLACE
3) a Two section sink! For the last year and few months, I have had a one tub sink. SO annoying!
4) 3 bedrooms...MORE space!
5) 2 Bathrooms!
6) Cheaper...weird I know...we asked and they have no explanation for us...but We'll take it!

The only con is that we have ONE WEEK! To pack, move, and clean the old one! ONE WEEK! We have called our family and have our strong fathers on board to help us out! Also, possibly Clint's brother and maybe my Grandma and Grandpa. We'll see! WOW!

So...enough of that! Got lots and lots of work to do. Tomorrow is my birthday which does not include packing or cleaning of any type!

Wish us luck!

Until next time,


rickaren said...

Yay for you!!! More space is always great, but cheaper rent??!?! The best! What a great early birthday present! =)

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Wow, that is awesome!! How perfect, and a great bday present! Hope the move goes well!
P.S. Loved the Ace of Base reference!!!!!!!!!

H said...

I wondered what you meant when you said you were packing up...this sounds awesome! I'll pray for extra energy for you this week, cause you're gonna need it! Happy Birthday Eve -- love you!