Friday, October 2, 2009

1 funny 1 vent

Last Friday I mentioned to my students that Clint and I were moving to a new apartment and we prayed for the move during Bible class. When I got back to school on Monday, I had a student say (in the “blondish” way of a 6th grade girl) “So, Mrs. Thompson, now that you live in an apartment, you get free breakfast right?” “Um, No, I don’t live in a hotel!” It was quite humorous!

That was my funny, now here is my not so funny/vent!

When a student fails to do their homework, the handbook says they get a zero. Period. No make up work, no notes from mom….a ZERO. On top of that, there is a place in the handbook that talks about being unprepared for class…that gets a detention. So, if you don’t have your homework you get a Zero and a detention. The zero doesn’t do much for the student…they don’t see the trouble a zero brings to their average and usually they have plenty of grades to make up for that zero. BUT…the referral for a detention…buddy that works. They tear up, get quiet and guess what….they do their homework the next night. I don’t enjoy giving the referrals simply because I am the one that has to stay late in order for them to serve their detention, however I GET IT! I get the point of a detention and I get the fact that we are trying to train them to be responsible.

WELL….last week, this horrible act of a zero and detention happened to a student whose dad just so happens to have a little bit of “power.” I like the man don’t get me wrong, but he has another thing coming. Since his sweet son didn’t do his homework and got a zero AND a detention…daddy decides to throw out the rule of the referral. Just THREW IT OUT! SO I had to back track and ended up having to explain to 15 FIFTEEN parents that the detentions their children had served were no longer going to happen. Absolutely ridiculous. SO now, a kid doesn’t do their work….no biggy. It’s just a Zero!

I am still contemplating going to the higer ups….we shall see!

Thank you for letting me vent! I hope you all have a great weekend!

Until next time,


sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

No way...that is ridiculous!! That is SO unfair...I hate special treatment. :( Good luck with the situation! And that is TOO funny about the breakfast comment!!!

H said...

WHAT? That is CRAZY! I don't think he's playing with a full deck...that'll come back to bite him! And I'd definitely fo to the higher-up's...not that you asked me:)