Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I am a walking poster child for "when times get tough!" Seriously, it is when times are tough that we are closer than ever to our Savior. That is me...
I love that, and I hate that. I know I should be closer when things are rolling right along. I know I should pray more, praise more and read more when things are rolling right along. But, ashamedly, when things come to a hault and my happy little rolling right along world is rocked...that is when I get it, that is when I realized I NEED Him. I have been like this for as long as I can remember with my Christian walk. I know it is my weakness and I do try. Don't get me wrong...I praise, I pray and I read regularly, but at times it seems it is the "going through the motions" thing. I don't want to do that! I want to be the same on the mountain top as I am while I hang out in the valley for a while. It really is a sweet thing to have a relationship with Jesus. I don't want to take it for granted and I will strive to keep it more than just motions!

I went back over my post from yesterday and I realized how negative I sound. One of my first thoughts this morning was that of "I need to be more positive." I am glad I have this blog where I can record my thoughts and feelings and weeks later look back and see that I survived. I am glad that I can be real and not worry about how "" will take it.

So, now on to being real...being real and being positive/thankful real...

My Mom! I love my mom! My mom is one of the silliest/craziest 54 year old women you will ever meet! She has spikey dyed red hair and totally fits the description. My mom teaches high school...not just any high school though. High school culinary arts to kids that don't quite make it for various reasons in "real" high school. (She would hate that I said that, don't knock her kids, but I am trying to get you to get the picture) She POURS her heart into those teenagers. Quite a few of them are already parents, and several of them live on their own due to family situations. She adores them! My mom spends lots of time on facebook and surfing the's how she spends her down time. My mom and I have always been a "talk-once-a-week" kind of pair. I love her and she loves me and we catch up about once a week. That was until I got pregnant. Now my mom and I talk almost everyday. I usually call her, and we just go at it. From school to my sister to the baby throw in a little "grandma is nuts" and we have chatted for about 45 minutes. I LOVE that we are in this stage of life and I LOVE that I have her! I am so blessed!

9 more sleeps until I get to see my two best friends and baby K! I cannot wait to get my hands on that little girl! I am preparing to cry like a baby. I have prayed and prayed and prayed for this and what a blessing to see the results of your prayers. That doesn't always happen and I am so glad to have that experience. I will remember to praise Him for all He's done concerning this situation!

16 more days of 6th graders!!! That's it! I am SO ready for a break that it's not even funny! For me, time is going quickly which I am thankful for. I have a feeling it has something to do with what is to come this summer! :)

ALL of our laundry is done...and put away! I worked like a mad woman Monday night to get it done! I hate when it is looming...however...I am told that it is never done when you have a baby. Might have to change my thinking on the whole laundry thing!

Flowers, flowers everywhere! I love flowers! In my house at the moment I have 6 pink carnations from a student; a boquet of wild flowers and roses from my love; 4 red and white roses from Mother's day at church and 15 colorful roses from the children's ministry! I have them all over and I love them. How can you not smile when you walk into a room full of flowers! FUN!

That is all for now! Thanks for reading!
Until next time,


carrie said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better, the Christian walk can be challenging but it's always changing! When is your due date? Are you heading back to school at the beginning of the school year?
Just wondering since we are in similar situations.

rickaren said...

Hey preggers. See you soon!

H said...

ok, i've read both posts now...isn't it interesting that all three of us are learning that uncertainty is not fun at relatively the same time! but you are so right...being close to Jesus ALL the time helps us weather this crazy life! and how much we grow through it is just immeasurable. did you know that this time next week i will be on the interstate coming to see YOU? YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!