Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rain rain go away....

Yesterday was a dark and dreary day! I managed to take my class outside earlier in the morning to make sure we got some outside play time. Days without outside playtime are like days without coffee...dangerous!

The sky finally opened up about 3:00. It was quite scary! When we have rainy days the kids stay inside with me until 3:45, at which time we combine with the other preschool and 5K classes in the preschool classrooms located in the preschool hallway. So there we were, the kids were playing nicely, several children were picked up to go home and I was down to 6 kids. About 3:20 the preschool secretary comes in and says, "Mrs. Thompson, get your kids and head to the preschool building." I said okay and we began to clean up the toys. I was unaware of the seriousness of the situation obviously because she had to come back and tell me that it needed to happen immedietly. So...we grabbed their bags and off we went. No tv in preschool, no radio and the internet was down. My life was in the hands of the administration. I kept waiting for them to tell us to assume the "tornado posisiton." I knew it was serious because my husband called me twice and my mom (3 1/2 hours away) called me. (My dad called me about 7:30 to see if all was well and he NEVER calls!) Cell phones were ringing, parents were rushing and I just knew I was going to hear the "train a comin". Thankfully we never had to get in the hallway! I was able to leave at 4:20ish and made it home at about 5:45 (about 45 minutes longer than normal) due to traffic, rain and accidents! I was thrilled to have made it home!

The sad part was that I had a perfect plan for my Monday evening! I was to leave work by 4:00, get home by 5:oo, throw together a fruit salad, grab my Bible study stuff and be at Bible Study by 5:45. Didn't quite happen! I knew I wouldn't make it home in time to fix the salad I was to bring, not to mention make it to the study. So...I called my fearless husband! He volunteered to make the salad and deliever it to the correct place! Such an awesome man!

I was able to enjoy a Monday evening with my husband because the newspaper went to print early. Meaning...he was home at 7:00!!! (he usually gets home at 11 p.m.) Woohoo!

As of now....I am about to head to teach my 6th grade class! I seriously could actually fall asleep, so I hope they are ready for me!



carrie said...

Hey Sam, I keep up with your blog so it's more than 2 people!
What town do you all live in? It's been such freaky weather lately! If you don't want to post your town name on her message me on facebook :) We should visit if we are remotely near each other!