Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Not a maggot......

I haven’t talked much about the kiddos in a while, so here are a few funnies from the previous weeks.

Lily: Mrs. Thompson, Livy called me a maggot
Mrs. Thompson: Go tell Livy to come here (we were on the playground)
(Enter Livy)
Mrs. Thompson: Olivia, did you call Lily a maggot?
Livy: I did not call her a maggot….I called her a twit!
(Mrs. Thompson drops jaw and…without laughing…takes care of problem!)

So today we talked about capital M. It seems a lot of the funniest stuff happens when I am teaching capital letters and listening to the kids input of what starts with these letters. We did the whole name thing and then I called on a girl that I KNEW her dads name was Michael.

Mrs. Thompson: KayKay…what is your daddys name?
KayKay: Big Mike

I laughed so hard….may have been a moment you just had to be there, but if you could just see this little girl…you would understand!

We have been singing a song with the 50 states in it, in preparation for our 4K promotional assembly. It goes quite fast and I KNOW the kids have no idea what they are saying. I brought in a map of the USA and explained the 50 state thing and have done my best to point to the states as we say them. Today in the capital M lesson, I asked them to name the states that start with M…I believe I got three. Not bad for 5 year olds! THEN…Ashlynn raised her hand and I called on her and this is what I got:

Mutuckyuisiana!!! The part of the song that says, Kentucky, Louisiana….somehow she through and M in there and mushed it all together. She just KNEW that was the name of an M state! HILARIOUS!

Must run….time to clean up play dough!! UGH!

Until next time,


Megan said...

Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada.... I remember that song from that long ago - I was probably about 5!!! Not as easy to type as it is to sing it and can't remember how to spell Massachusetts...

rickaren said...

Good one! I like it when you write about the things those chillins say. . . it makes me laugh every time!