Thursday, May 7, 2009

15 Days!

15 acutal school days until the end of the school year! I CANNOT believe it! I have to be honest and tell you that about the end of February, I was ready. I was ready to stop waking up at 5:30, leaving my house at 6:30, driving 45 minutes one way, breaking up fights, listening to whining, standing on the playground, dealing with drama, wiping snotty noses, tying shoes, opening lunch food and dealing with the emotions of 5 year olds. I was ready! that I know I have only 15 more days with these guys...I am NOT READY! I am not ready to give up their sweet "Good mornings Mrs. Thompsons", not ready to give up the hugs and the love, not ready to give up the funny things they say, not ready to give up their sweet families, not ready to miss seeing them sleep peacefully, not ready to miss out on their excitement for little things, not ready to miss out on telling them Bible stories, not ready to not hear their laughing and definately not ready to not see their sweet faces! I am so sad! Don't get me wrong...I am ready for our Disney trip, ready for our Braves game, ready to sleep in tons and ready to chill...but I am going to miss them! I will cry on the last day of school...I know I will bawl like a little tiny baby....I will be a puddle of mush....I just know it! I plan to make these last 15 days the greatest last 15 days ever. I will tell the best stories, read the best books, talk about Jesus so so much and take every hug and every smile and every laugh and put it in my pocket so I can look at them later! is to the best last 15 days!

2 Funnies before I go...

This morning I was teaching them the "Wordless Book." We were on the gold page and I was asking them to tell me things that are gold.
Tyler: Streets in Heaven
Ashlynn: Rings
JaKayla: Jewelry
KayKay: Teef (teeth)

TEETH!!! It was all I could do not to laugh my head off! I managed to continue...but be assured I have laughed about it since!!

Also...we were coloring a page this morning that had 18 gingerbread cookies on it. The students were coloring them brown. I was being observed by a potential teacher for next year, so I was giving it my best! Olivia had raised her hand several times wanting me to look at her paper and I had ooohed and aaahed over it. A few moments later, she raised her hand with a sad/serious look, I walked over and she pointed at Jalen's paper...her neighbor...and said..."his are burnt!" HAHA! He was pressing a little harder than she was with his brown crayon, therefore making his gingerbread men look a bit darker than hers. It was so funny! for today!

Until next time,


Megan said...

Well if you ever need to get your 5 year old fill, I know just the girl!!!

rickaren said...

You are such a sap! Enjoy the rest of your school year-- I know this was my favorite time of the year. . . almost the end! Love you!

H said...

Samantha...that's NOT true:)

Actually, it probably is true for you and me both; I'm having a feeling that will be me about a week from now. Even though I know it's right for me, leaving is going to be so WEIRD! I'm going to try very hard to make the most of this last week...if the exhaustion of it all doesn't kill me first:) Love you!