Saturday, May 30, 2009

Summer Goals's over. I have said my goodbyes and boohooed as expected. It didn't help that moms and grandmas were crying also. It was really sweet! I racked up on gift cards and baked goods and once again felt the love from my kiddos! All of my kids were gone by 12:00 and I was on my own.

My classroom was a MESS. It had reminents from a party and all the mess that goes with that. From about 1:00-5:30 I worked and trashed and purged my classroom. It was somewhat difficult because I didn't know what to do with all of my "personal belongings." I don't know if I am staying or going. I finally just put it all in boxes and it is just waiting in a corner. We shall see.

With summer comes a lot of fun and excitement. But...not everyday. There will be weeks that I sit around and wonder what to do. my quest to be productive and non-lazy, I am making a goal list.

Here it is:

- clean out guest closet

- clean out master closet

- clean out hall closet

- clean out dining room closet

- visit the library and read 5 books for pleasure

- read a book about children's ministry

- keep my toes painted

- orgainize our bills/important papers

- save money for a desktop computer

Stay tuned! I might add more! AHhhh!

Until next time,


Dani said...

well...i can give you some suggestions on books for childrens ministry! just let me know! good luck with cleaning...muahahahaha