Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So I’ve been told that I have been scarce around the blog world lately….so true…but not on purpose. I had an entire post that I typed as a Word document, and for some reason, closed out of it and clicked NO when it asked me to save it. Grrrrr! I was so mad at myself!

Things are going well for us. Staying busy, busy, busy which is somewhat normal for us this time of year! My second job is picking up steam and it seems I find myself in lots more meetings and responding to lots more emails. I still like it, but at times it feels like a full time job!

Home life is good. We are mostly settled into our new apartment. I am ready to raise Cain with the apartment people due to the NON-working stove, OLD dishwasher and TERRIBLE water faucets. I have been nice….but my patience is being tested and they are about to see another side of me. We are paying big bucks to live there…if they don’t fix the things we want fixed…we can move somewhere else…plain and simple!

My grandparents are coming to visit us next week. They will arrive Wednesday afternoon (I am off that day) and will leave Sunday morning when we leave for church. I am glad to have them, but this particular week just happens to be THE busiest week for us for the rest of 2009. Hopefully I can get it all done! Help me Jesus!

School is okay. I am still loving the 6th graders, but there are times that I just want to run back to my “babies” and hear “I love you Mrs. Thompson” one more time. There isn’t much of that with the big kids. The big kids still do funny things though!

For example:

L: Mrs. T, if I ask you to go to the bathroom later, I really gotta go
Me: Why?
L: ‘cause me and my momma are doin a watermelon flush; all I am eatin is watermelon

Sure enough that is all she had at lunch…a big tub of watermelon. Oh and of course about 10 pieces of Halloween candy. When I asked her about the candy, she said, “if I don’t eat it, then it will go stale…we can’t have that now!” A hoot!

My sister Danielle, the one in Denver, wasn’t planning to come home until Christmas. Since she works at a Homeless rescue mission, Thanksgiving is a huge time for them. Well, we got a call Monday that she managed to get Thanksgiving day off. So she flies into Atlanta at 6 am Thanksgiving morning and flies out SUPER early on Friday. We are SO EXCITED to get to see her, but are praying that the weather does well so she can actually make those flights. Makes me nervous.

I went home this past week. I had a marvelous time visiting with all my family! Somehow I managed to spend time with Mom and Larry, Dad and Cindy, Katy and Mark, Grandma and Grandpa, Mike, Megan and Allison and my BFF Karen all in a 2 day time span. No wonder I am so tired!

I learned some things while home that I have always known, but never wanted to admit. I can’t really go into detail since some of my family reads this. It is not a huge deal or anything, but definitely stuff that weighs on my heart and mind. I am praying that God will take care of it…I know He can.

I have a meeting tonight with some Children’s ministry workers. I am prepared, yet nervous. You never know what people are going to say or issues they will bring up. Somehow I ended up being the person that has to get our dinner from point A to point B and set up the room all nice and neat. Let’s hope that goes well. I just have to tell myself that in 5 hours it will be over and I will be on my way home to bed!

We are having a HUGE HUGE HUGE Harvest Festival next Thursday. It is a huge event that involves the WHOLE school and is our BIG money raising event of the year. Not only am I in charge of the Soda Bottle ring toss booth, but also am in charge of setting up a booth to advertise our Children’s Ministry. However, until yesterday, I forgot about that second part. So I am SCRAMBLING to pull it together! I ordered some cards to lay out and give away, I have plenty of candy and left over trinkets from VBS….all I really have to do is make a backboard with pictures and times of our events. I am not the most creative person you will meet, but I am gonna do my best!

Speaking of best…must finish lesson plans! I will do my best to keep this thing updated a little more often…promise!

Love to you all!
Until next time,


rickaren said...

Wow! I was wondering where you went! Busy busy, girlie! You can get it done-- you're wonder woman. I'll be praying for your family. You're right-- God can work it out. It was so fun seeing you Saturday. Definitely made me miss the good ol' days. Maybe we'll end up close to each other again. That would be great. Our men could play video games and we could cut out paper people! Love you!

H said...

That's more like it! Thanks for the update!:) I'll be praying for your family, and I'm STILL praying for your position at church. Miss and love you!