Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Do you hear what I hear?

Don't ask my why I used that title, I just love that song and it was stuck in my head!

Things are rolling right along here. I have 4 more days of school until the much anticipated Christmas Break. It couldn't come soon enough! I leave next Tuesday to spend 2 days with my sister Danielle. Due to Clint's crazy work schedule, things are a little hectic with the whens and wheres of Christmas...but it doesn't matter. As long as we are with family, I'm good.

We have officially finished all of our Christmas shopping! I have two family presents left to wrap and ALLLLL of Clint's presents left to wrap! YIKES!

Friday is a half day for us, so I should be home around 1:30ish. Clint is off too, so we decided to invite his parents over for dinner. This will be the first time I will cook for them since I have known them. Anytime the come to T'ville, we always go out to eat. But this visit is for the sole purpose of seeing our new apartment, our decorations for Christmas, our new recliner and our new china cabinet! I am excited to have them come, just praying that I am feeling well and able to entertain!

Last Friday, I noticed a lump on Clint's neck. Kind of near his adamsapple (I have no idea if that is how you spell it, but you get my drift). He hadn't noticed it before and neither had I. Since we didn't know how long it had been there, I immediately insisted that he go to the doctor on Monday. He was able to get an appointment for 3:15. I tried not to think about it, but many-a-thoughts were in my mind all day. I finally heard from him about 4:30. The doctor said it was a swollen lymph node (it looked like a pea sticking out of his neck). The did some blood work that all came back fine...his blood counts were good..that ruled out a BUNCH of scary stuff. He is on antibiotics for 10 days and has to go back to be checked. If it isn't gone by day 10 then he will be sent to a ENT doctor. For now I am relieved, just pray that it goes away!

Clint has been off this whole week. He has several vacation days to use up before the end of 2009. It has been so nice coming home to him every day. He did stop by work yesterday afternoon to drop off some pampered chef orders for me (I will NEVER have another book party...can we say hassle!). When he got back from visiting work, he asked if I wanted the good news or the bad news first. I hate that question! I always say bad news first! Anyway, on top of the 5 days of furlough he has to take from January to March, he has to take ONE more before Christmas Eve. (this place is rediculous...I just think someone is getting rich) The good news is that he gets Saturday off! That will be THREE Saturdays in a row off for us! That is GOOD news and worth the furlough if you ask me! By the time march rolls around he will have had 16 days of furlough! Crazy! The first time he got furloughed (how many times can I use the word furloughed?) I went into a straight panic! Since then, I just shrug my shoulders and give it to God. Seriously. It's His money anyway! He has taken care of us our whole lives, why would he stop now? All will be fine! Amen?!?!

I don't know if it is the pregnancy or just my lack of coordination, but I somehow managed to drop my cell phone straigt into a cup of water, while driving! Talent! Anyway, after a day of my phone doing really crazy things, it is somewhat back to normal. Thankfully, this happened on Monday and today (Wednesday) my 2 year contract is up which means I am eligible for a free phone. I had planned on taking advantage of that today perfect timing.

I am still feeling blah, but I am making it. It helps seeing the light at the end of the school tunnell, for two weeks anyway. I have had some pretty disgusting complications that are pregnancy related and causing a lot of discomfort and pain. (I am trying to spare you from some pretty gross details.) As far as we know all is well with baby, but it is just part of it as they say. We go back to the doctor January 5th and I can't wait...I'm not even scared...I just can't wait.

Long post I know, but one more thing....

We have chosen our baby names. It was a fairly easy process and we LOVE the names we have chosen. We haven't told a lot of people...and now I know why. Never in my life would I have thought I would have to defend the names we have chosen to people I love. People that have no quams about stating their oh so bold and negative opinion. I cannot imagine myself telling anyone, not even a stranger, that I didn't like the name they had chosen. (okay, this one time, I talked about this girls choice of baby name behind her back, but not to her face) The worst part is that one of them is my Grandpa (whom I love dearly) and the other is my MOTHER! Before you form an evil opinion of my mom, that is just how she is, she is coming around and has even said it is starting to grow on her. (The names really aren't bad!) The even worse part is that my mom's solution for our girls name is to name her after the Twilight books...Bella. MOTHER!!! (no offense to anyone named Bella!)
I laugh about it now, but at the time, there was no laughter...just shock!

Alrighty, must run!

Until next time,


H said...

Oh so true on the baby names...I'm pretty sure I've told you the stories about that. That's why this time, mum's the word!!! I'm sorry you're not feeling well...surely the sickness part should hopefully be over soon?! Yay for Christmas Break! Get some rest, and I'm sure I'll be talking to you!:) Love you!

Megan said...

I know someone that just had a baby and used YOUR girl name and the middle name is the same as Allison's! Poo on eveyone else.... I love the names you have picked out!

rickaren said...
