Wednesday, July 10, 2013

January- A Change is coming!

It is so HOT!  Just had to get that off my chest!  Sheesh!  Currently, my 2 (almost 3) year old is laying on her bed with my Kindle watching a show.  I admittedly allow her to do that every single day at naptime only.  She lays down for 10 minutes and then I take it away and she goes to sleep...most of the time.  Otherwise it is a knock down drag out fight just to get her IN the bed, not to mention asleep.  I am picking my battles and 10 minutes of quiet, show time is so worth it to get her to go to naptime calmly.
My 4 month old is swinging in his swing, in need of a much needed nap.  He usually goes right to sleep but today he is in there cooing and babbling away!  Too cute!  I love it when Millie and Tucker take their naps at the same time!  It makes for a peaceful afternoon!

Okay, back to January!

January, we thought our only decision would be whether to make the trip to Denver, Colorado to see my sister get married.  I knew I would always regret it if I didn't try.  I was 8 months pregnant and had to get the go-ahead from my doctor, which thankfully I was granted.  We decided to take the trip.  3 plane tickets, 3 nights in a hotel and an enormous amount of food was to be purchased and the price was astounding. doesn't really matter when it is such a big event!  We did it by saving some Christmas money and knowing we'd have a tax return soon after.  Thankfully that is all paid off now, but boy was that scary!  I am SO SO glad we went!  Millie flew okay...about as okay as can be expected.  I did have to change a poopy diaper, thousands of miles in the air, in a teeny tiny airplane bathroom with my big huge baby belly.  That was an experience.  Millie did throw her very first ever public humiliation fit going through the Denver airport.  Poor thing was just exhausted and didn't know what she wanted.  I was crying right there with her.  Looking back, I don't know why we didn't just STOP and wait it out.  Ahhhh rookies!

Dani's wedding was beautiful.  She was gorgeous and everything happened as she wanted it to!  I read some verses in her wedding and didn't make it through without crying...I felt bad, but it was such an emotional time and remember, I was pregnant!  Millie was the CUTEST flower girl ever!  She did a great job for being 2 1/2 years old.  She really liked dancing and had everyone smiling and laughing.  She made her momma proud!

In November, Clint had an interview with the University of Georgia, Tifton Campus for a public relations position.  In my gut of guts, I knew he would get that job.  I knew our life was about to change.  I was so scared.  Well, he found out that he did not get the job.  I was okay with that, life would just keep rolling like normal, with the exception of adding one to our family in February.  Hah!

A few weeks after he was told no, he was called back and told that the people made a mistake and that they really wanted him.  Shocker!  We had a few days to decide what we were going to do.  We prayed about it and knew that God opened this door for us.  Clint had wanted to get out of the newspaper business for so long and had a hard time finding anything else...this was it.  Clint gave his two week notice and officially started February 1st.  We had to change up child care a ton due to Clint being Millie's primary caregiver, but our babysitter was wonderful and willing to work with us.  Clint's mom also stepped up and went above and beyond typical Nana duties and watched her a ton.  We put our house on the market...still is...really need that bad boy to sell.  I let my school know that I would finish up my contract, but as of June 7th would no longer teach and that was that. 

As scary as all of this was/is, Clint and I are positive that we made the right choice and we know and trust that God is going to work every single little detail out for our good.  He has done a perfect job of it so far and I know he will continue to.  Clint LOVES his job and has been praised so much already.  He works Mon-Fri 8-5.  No more NIGHTS and No more SATURDAYS!!!  What a blessing to get to be a "family."

Well, time to go take the Kindle away!

Until next time,