Tuesday, July 9, 2013

No Excuses-One YEAR!

It is hard to believe that a year (almost) has passed since I last blogged!  SO much has happened in that year and I really don't want to forget it.  I plan to take some time during these hot summer days to get it all out there...the good, the bad and the ugly...about what has happened the last year of our lives!  I go back rather frequently and read my old posts on here and am so happy I blogged when I did!  I don't want to regret not blogging and having these memories stored up!  I am going to make a list of the blog topics to come...

1- July-December 2012
2- January-The month of decisions
3- Tucker's birth story
4- Maternity Leave
5- The "move"
6- Religion vs. Relationship- Goodbye Christian School
7- Realness

I am sure there will be more, but that gives me a skeleton to work with.

Until Next Time!


H said...

Whoop whoop! Can't wait:)