Friday, August 6, 2010

New Status

Samantha Thompson is...



...rested (does midnight-5 am count as sleeping through the night?) thankful for Jesus! I KNOW the answers came because of Him!

Finally got over my cry fest yesterday! Between a text conversation with my mom, wooing my man with a love letter of appreciation and heartfelt thoughts, and much prayer and communication with my Jesus...I had peace!

There is absolutely nothing like the peace that comes from Him and Him alone. Nothing like it!

I basically summed it up...2 pay checks...that is what I am out. I am not going back early...I will start 8/30 (unless dr. wants me out longer). We have $ saved that will pay most of the bills and we have learned in the past that God will take care of our needs...period.

Then morning came...checked email after rocking, feeding, loving on and changing my sweet baby.

Basically it was all a "misunderstanding." No, we aren't back to me going back 9/20, but we are better than we were yesterday. I will be paid the 60% the entire month of August and Aflac will (eventually) pay the 40%. Whew!

I am just so thankful! Thankful for the financial mess to have worked itself out, but even more thankful that the threat of me going back WEDNESDAY is gone! I can wait it out a little longer!

Thank you for your prayers!


carrie said...

how wonderful that you have more time with your sweet baby girl! I am with you on trusting in God to provide, He will meet all your needs without fail!

Kel said...

I just read this post and the previous post, and can I just say this? You and Holly are the most adult people I've ever "met".

You totally trust where I would have a raging fit. Seriously, I would have taken my baby and my husband down to the preschool and sat until it was figured out.

I am so impressed by your spiritual and just life maturity. You give me something to grow into, thank you.

AND I am so glad you are able to stay home. I can't believe after the C-section they only say 6 weeks! I would think it'd be bumped up to 8 or 10!

I remember when Jack turned 6 weeks old and I was walking with him and I stopped short in my tracks with the thought that if we had been going back to work, I would only have had two more weeks. I thanked God right there on the spot, out loud for more time with my baby! I can totally identify with your relief!

Megan said...

There's our Jesus going and showing off again. I love it when He does that!!!
Love you!