Saturday, February 6, 2010


How far along? 17 Weeks

Total weight gain: I have gained a total of 3 pounds!!

Maternity clothes? Still a no

Sleep: This week hasn't been the best week of sleep. A lot going on in the mind!

Best moment this week: Hearing Baby T's Heartbeat again...still holding steady at 150 bpm. It is a remarkable sound!

Scariest moment this week: Not really scary, but quite annoying. They had to draw my blood to check my thyroid numbers. They stuck me THREE times at the doctor's office and STILL couldn't get any. I had to go to the lab the next day and do it again, thankfully it worked the first time at the lab.

Movement: Yes.

Gender: We get to find out on the 15th! That is 9 more sleeps people!!!

Labor Signs: Nope.

Belly Button in or out? Still very much in

What I miss: Eating without thinking about what I am actually eating...bad I know!

What I am looking forward to: February 15th!

Cravings: Hot Wings!