Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Specific Request

I haven’t talked much about this lately, because I honestly feel it is a moot point (until about 3 years ago, I always thought that was said “mute point).
My husband needs a new job! Honestly for the last year and a half, I have been thankful that he even has a job period, but my thankfulness is running out. I know that is terrible to say, but I am so SICK of his job. In the last year and a half he has had MAYBE 3 Saturday’s off. In the last year and a half he has taken 17 furlough days. The more recent headache is the fact that he has to take 5 more before the end of March. I BEGGED him to at least get 3 of the 5 to be on Saturdays, but he can’t do it. Excuse me, but if you are making me take an unpaid day off…I should get to choose, ESPECIALLY because ALL of the other reporters work it to their advantage. One of the things I love most about my husband is that he is a man of integrity and character. He WON’T leave anyone in a bind, even if it is that Newspaper.

Now, we have a baby on the way. The concept of me driving 45 minutes one way after having little to no sleep to stand before a class of 6th graders and sound somewhat intelligent is beyond me. I can’t fathom what is going to happen with childcare and whether the baby should be in FL with me or stay in GA where Clint is, avoiding 2, 45 minute drives with a baby.

I am scared to death.

My job, believe it or not, is the money maker of the family. His on the other hand, is not. We have prayed about moving to another part of GA, but God has made it clear to us that it is not time for that right now. SO….here we are, in the SAME position we have been in for a year and a half….and I am over it. I am ready for a change….

I have done my best holding it in and keeping my complaining to a minimum, but I feel a blow out coming. I had a pity party for myself last night, stomped a little, cried a little, and even visited the porcelain throne due to the crying. I am sick of spending EVERY evening alone. I HATE watching American Idol by myself…and I hate going to bed every night without him.

Please, PLEASE, pray for us that he can get a job in FL. The sooner the better. Obviously we want what the Lord wants for us and we really believe this is WHAT He wants, we just don’t know WHERE and WHEN. Logically speaking, in my mind, It would be fantastic if his job could be in place and we could be moved before baby comes. But I continue to remind myself that His ways are not MY ways, His thoughts are not MY thoughts.

I know this is not a normal post for me, but please bear with me. And please…please don’t tell me it’s my hormones. K? Thanks!

Until next time,


Miss CanAM said...

Sending a virtual *hug*

It must be awful to be alone so much- during the day is one thing, but at night- you just want someone to be around- just for the company- especially if you are pregnant. I will keep you and your family in my prayers and hope something GREAT comes your way soon :)


rickaren said...
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rickaren said...

I messed up my last comment. I'm sorry you're sad. I love you, and I'll be praying specifically for a new awesome job for Clint.

carrie said...

Oh Sam, I will pray for a new job for your hubby, before your little baby is born! God really hears our prayers, and maybe it's just time for your hubby to move on!

Unknown said...

Hey girl... I feel your pain. We went through a similar situation the first year of our marriage. The best advice I can give is to wait on God. The hard times were the best training ground for my hubby's new career and I am sure that it will be the same for you. Remember that God is bigger than all of this, and the sacrifices you make now are mere preparations for the life he has for you.
All my prayers!