Friday, February 5, 2010

What a Week!

It's weeks like these that make me wonder if I am really going to survive this school year! As much as I love being a teacher, it is exhausting...mentally and physically! For some reason, spring fever has ALREADY hit my lovely 6th graders...every last one of them. They think that THEY rule the roost and really believe they can do and say whatever they please whenever they feel like it!
Sheesh! Thank you LORD for Friday's!

So, in the midst of my on coming nervous break down, I have decided to write a few things that I am thankful for and what made me smile this week...because, regardless of the above, there were a lot!

*the birth of H's baby, Little Guy. Although it's not "official" (adoption), I truly believe in my heart of hearts...he's theirs.

*We heard the heartbeat of our Baby T on Tuesday! I LOVE that sound!

*My sweet hubby cleaned the kitchen for me last night...spic and span!

*My mom found CHEAP plane tickets to Colorado in March! Go mom!

*My sister officially has a boyfriend! Go Dani!

*While teaching about temptation in Bible this week, I gave a scenario about wanting a brownie, but not giving in to the temptation. The next day, a sweet student, brought me a brownie...and this time, I gave in!

*My mom's Culinary Arts program that she runs at their local high school was chosen as School of the Month for the local news station. They are getting filmed next week! GO Mom!

*In 7 minutes, I will walk out of this school...if only for 48 hours!

*I don't have to cook tonight. I love eat-out Friday's!

*My DVR is LOADED with goodness, just waiting for me for sit-on-your-butt Friday night!

*I found out the Bible Study that I attended last year with a different church starts up Feb 15th. They invited me back! :)

*One of our friends let Clint know of a job opening. That meant a lot!

*Talking to my BFF 2 more times this week...we are setting records people.

*Finding out that Tallahassee does indeed have a Babies R Us!

*Getting a "Monster Cookie" from a fellow teacher.

*Using up all the ink in my favorite red pen...I love when I use a pen all up! I feel like I have conquered something when that happens!

*Hearing that my crazy Gma bought her first baby gift, a lullaby CD that she heard playing at Wal-Mart...she "had to have it"

Well, I feel better! Thank you Lord for the blessings of this week! They are there...They are already there! I will try harder next week to not let the yucky parts of the week overshadow the blessings!

Until next time,


rickaren said...

That was lovely! And very uplifting for my Saturday morning. Love you!