Wednesday, April 14, 2010


WARNING: Somewhat of a whiney/freak-out post below. I will be fine, things will get done and all will be well! Just venting!

It's official! I feel behind...very very behind! I feel as if I am extremely ignorant when it comes to having this baby!

Yes, I will love her. I already have so much love in my heart for her, it is unbelieveable!

I know how to change diapers, dress babies and even how to give them a bath. I know how to lay them down to sleep and I know they cry a lot. I know you have to burp them after every little bit of food. I know how to bounce them a little to soothe them. I even know that babies like to be rocked.

Other than that...that's about it!

I have the books...lots and lots of books, but I already feel like a dork for not reading them. I even took one on the plane to CO with me and read maybe a page. The first bookstore we came to I bought a pleasure it completely...and am already started on a second one I bought that trip. See....I am a dork!

We have sucessfully completed 3 necessary things...3 in the 6 months I have been pregnant. Let me list them so I feel somewhat better...
1) We purchased her crib and dresser and they are put together (she may not have a mattress, sheets or a mobile...but buddy we have a crib)
2) We found childcare! Her daddy will watch her until about 1 p.m. 4 days a week (he'll have her the other day, all day) then he will take her to Mrs. Sara's house (a mom of a former 4K student) where she will play with Anderson, Caroline and Sullivan for about 4 hours! Then, Mommy will be there about 5! Such a blessing!
3) Shoot...I cannot even remember what I considered #3 to be...I guess all I can think of is that we have a name for her...oh yeah and we are registerd!

Everytime I start to make a list of the things that need to be done/bought/figured out...I get overwhelmed...badly overwhelmed...and guess what...I am VERY good at masking that!

Another thing I have been thinking about is my lack of desire for the "birthing classes" that so many people talk about being a MUST! I DO NOT feel as if I know what I need to in order to be prepared for this experience, but I also don't have this overwelming need to figure it all out. Does that make sense? I seem to be taking on more of the "go with the flow" stance...which is so not me! I guess I just honestly feel like what ever happens will happen, I trust my Doctors to tell me what I need to know and at the end of the day, I know the Lord will take care of me!

When I think about only having 13 weeks to go...I start to panic! I know for the women that have done this before are thinking 13 weeks is SO long and you get SO miserable toward the end...I get it. I get what you mean. BUT, to me, it seems like I am running out of time!

Alright...enough of that! Some of the positives before I start to cry...
1) I am going to a New Song concert with my In-Laws on Saturday evening! So excited! It's free too!

2) I found some really marked down maternity shorts and JCPenny online...can't wait for them to come!

3) I ordered the cutest bag for Millie...not a diaper bag...more of a travel bag. It has her initials on Hot Pink! Yeah, I am that kind of girl!

For now that's good! I must go teach these 29 lovely 6th graders something!

Until next time,


Megan said...

Old Navy carries Maternity online too! Check them out!

carrie said...

Oh, Sam don't worry you'll get done what you need to. I'm there with you sometimes about worrying about it and I think to myself, you know what? it will be okay if we don't get all these items checked off, as long as me and baby are healthy!

H said...

ok this will look like im unschooled in cap and punc since im holding k while i type...sorry:) obviously i cant answer for the whole birthing class/pregnancy experience, but i will say that the experience i had with babies before k prepared me for newborn-hood more than anything else. i know i gave you two of those books, but i hope you dont feel obligated to read them...honestly, it was helpful for me to read them before simply because i waited so long and to get in my mind a few ideas on what to do in different situations before she came bc i have no time to read now. and i use them more as possibilities of whats going on with her, not the law. mothers generations ago didnt have books, and everyone did just fine! relax...everything really will be fine. love you!

rickaren said...

H is so wise. . . I second all she said. I love that K girl.

Kel said...

Just let the books get dusty. You'll be just fine! :D