Friday, August 7, 2009

Joshua 1:9
...Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

This was the verse that I clung to a year ago. I am sitting here with a lovely cup of hazelnut coffee, still in my pj's, and listening to the humm of the AC. I just did my morning devotions and ran accross this verse. It brought me RIGHT back to a year ago.

Last year at this time:
*I was getting ready to start a new job, in a new city, with new people.
*That job was unlike anything I had ever done in the past.
*I lived 45 minutes from my job and had no idea what it was going to be like to make that drive every day.
*I had NO FRIENDS, which was a constant reminder of everything I had left behind to come here.
*I now had an amazing husband who worked crazy hours and I thought I was going to lose my mind with all of my alone time. I KNEW it was about to get worse as I started working. I was terrified.
*I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders as gas prices went up, food prices went up and we were meshing the finances and bills from two people who had lived the single life for quite a while.
*Did I mention I had no friends? That was hard on me, but harder on my husband. He and I would have so many heart to hearts about it, which would turn to guilt on my part. I was discouraged.

Well the year went on and many changes took place in my life. I have NEVER regretted marrying Clint, leaving my job in Nashville, moving to Thomasville and working in Tallahassee...NEVER! But that is not to say it wasn't hard. That is not to say there weren't times of weeping and sadness. That is not to say it was an easy road. But you know, now that I look back at a year ago, I am so thankful. I am so thankful that I serve the God of Love that Promised to take care of me. He promised to "be with me wherever I go." I KNEW that and I FELT that as I made it through the first year. I listened to Christian music everywhere I went and it soothed my heart. It brought me to tears a lot of times, but it was such a blessing.

I was driving home last night from a post VBS meeting at Cracker Barrel in Tallahassee, and I was thinking. I do that a lot! I was thinking about this year in review idea and how marvelous it is to have made it. How wonderful it is to have survived and come out better on the other side. I wrote the is the now.

*That new job, in a new city has made me a better teacher. Period. There is no way around that. Initially I saw it as passing time until something better came along, but my oh my was I wrong. It was exactly what I needed to view teaching as something totally different than I had before. I have learned to slow down and stop and smell the roses of my work day. Yeah, some of them might smell bad, but I am stopping and smelling.
*The 45 minute drive is still a bummer and will hopefully change by this time next year. (All depends on Clint getting a job in tallahassee) But that 45 minute drive has done wonders for me. There is no rushing around in the morning...I have to be organized and all planned out. I have come to have a stronger love for coffee. I have learned to eat a granola bar while driving...with NO crumbs. (I did try a bagel once...NOT a good experience) I have improved my singing...(well, not really) but I do sing alot, alot of good stuff that refreshes my soul. But best of all, My Jesus and I have amazing conversation during that 45 minute drive...seriously!
*I have friends. Not a ton. Not like my other friends. But still, I have friends. Some of them could be my mother. Some of them could be my sister. Most of them have children. I have friends! That makes my heart smile!
*I still have an amazing husband that gets me! He still has that crazy work schedule, but we deal with it. We have learned not to take the hour a day that we see each other for granted. He listens to all of my silly stories from the day. I listen to all of his sports stuff. He doesn't get upset if things aren't done around the house. He knows I will get to them. He is my best friend, my love and my biggest fan! In the last year, my love for him has grown bigger and better than I ever thought it could!
*Money worked itself out! It always does when God has it! He provided everything we needed and then some! I have a second job working at the church as the Children's coordinator now and my life has taken a whole new route I never thought it would take! I am so thankful for opportunities...although new...although a little scary...they are there and ready to be taken!

Ahhh....that felt good! I am so glad I did that. Now when I start with the feeling sorry for myself days, I can look back at this and remind myself how incredibly blessed I am.

One more family has been amazing through the entire first year adjustment. I am living 41/2 hours closer to them than I ever did in my single years. NOT ONCE have they asked...why don't you come, we never see you or anything of the like. They say over and over...we take what we can get! We are happy to see you when you can. AND..the best one...We are proud of you! I love my family! to wake my husband...its almost lunch time...that man can sleep! Oh yeah...and we got DVR yesterday! SO FUN!

Until next time,


sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

I love that scripture! Isn't it neat to reflect on how far we've come? Sounds like things are going great for you...especially now that you have dvr! lol :)

rickaren said...

That was long, but good! :) Glad you got your DVR and you're lovin' life! Love you!

H said...

So, so true...reflecting on how God has carried you through is the most encouraging thing ever! A lot of times I wish I had taken the time to write things down as they happened so I could see His hand through it all; glad you did it! Love you!