Monday, August 3, 2009

VBS 2009

The Chicken is in the oven, the dryer hasn't buzzed and Clint wont be home for 45 more minutes, so I have a little time to write a new post.

Back in May when I was approached about the possibility of being the "Children's Coordinator" at church, one of my first thoughts was VBS. Thankfully I was instructed that this summer, I would sit back, relax and take it all in, so I could be the ring leader of next year's VBS.

Did I sit back?.....No!
Did I relax?......Nope!
Did I take it all in?....OH YEAH!

This year's theme was Crocodile Dock. The basis of this was teaching the Children not to have fear. I tell ya...I learned a lot and really believe God used the simple lessons for the children in my life as well!

The young man that was the "VBS Director" this year...JP...did a pretty good job! I can tell his niche is decorating and singing/dancing...which is great for me since neither of those three things rank really high on my list of favorites! He is quite young, 20, and has much to learn, but for the most part he did really well.

The first day was hectic. I am just being honest. But really, what first day of anything isn't hectic? I found myself at the registration table dealing with lots and lots of parents and excited kids. We averaged about 210-215 kids. I did a lot of running around and covering up mistakes that were being made. (JP announcing the grand finale was at 7 when it was really at 6:30...that happend for TWO solid days) I also got to run up a little hill about 10 times on Friday due to a frantic phone call from a mother who was about to call the police...totally all her fault, and thankfully everything worked out, but that was a scary 25 minutes. It is interesting how being the "boss" brings SO MUCH MORE responsibility!

Friday night was the Grande Finale. We had about 50 kids make desicions regarding their salvation, which I got to take part in on Thursday and Friday. Let me tell you...I cried everytime I talked about the plan of Salvation with the groups of kids that would come in from counseling. Everytime I explain what Christ did for us, it just grabs me like it was the first time I heard it! I am so thankful that it doesn't get old...that it amazes me everytime I hear it or tell it! Anyway, about 18 of those kids got Baptized on Friday evening. That was the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long time! Each child had to have a parent with them. Every single parent was so proud of their children and there was not a dry eye in the baptismal area. The kids were so happy for themselves and the parents likewise. It really made every pain, every mess up, every cranky moment...worth it!

This post wouldn't be complete without mentioning the teenagers! I spent a lot of time as a teen working at church whether in the nursery, children's church, or VBS. I was always doing something. For a small time, I honestly thought those days were over in the lives of teenagers out there. But...I was so wrong! This VBS would NOT have been possible without a HUGE handful of teenagers that gave up their week...8am to 12pm....and volunteered. I remember one year I did the snack room, one year I did the penny counting....but it wasn't until I was an adult that I actually had my own group of kids...I believe it was for socializing reasons. Not these teenagers...they had kids of all ages and didn't get to just hang with their friends. They were really great!

Alrighty...dryer buzzed...that is my sign to finish this up! I learned alot at this VBS and am already brainstorming the dos and don'ts of next year! Wish me luck!

Until Next Time,


sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Sounds like a great experience and way for you to get introduced to being the ringleader next year! :) VBS is SO fun...and SO much work! :)

rickaren said...

Whoa! Love the new layout!!!

H said...

This looks so cute! And good yourself some trouble next year and send that guy up here to decorate! That stage looks massive!

M/J Granata said...

Samantha... The pics are awesome! I am sure you worked very hard! I bet that was such a rewarding and eventful experience all in one!!!! It is so great to be able to work with children (of all ages) and to share your heart... and Jesus with them. You are a sweetie!