Thursday, August 6, 2009

Just in time...

Ahhhh....summer....IT CAME AND WENT! I was reading through my blog the other day and could almost taste my excitement as I read about the summer I so longed to have. That summer came...and that summer, for me, will end in 8 short days. Friday the 14th I go back for Inservice followed by the first 4 days of the next week, which includes open house and school officially starts Friday the 21st.

Am I ready? Funny question. Yes. Is that weird? I have always been the one ready to go back. As a student and as a teacher. Don't get me wrong..I love sleeping in, spending the morning with Clint and doing things around the house as I please. But, to me, there is something about a routine and a schedule that I just love. I will be hating these words as my alarm goes of at 5am next Friday...I know I will. I have gone shopping, gotten my yearly calendar and desk calendar. I have gotten 2 new paris of shoes and several new outfits (love Georgia Tax Free weekend). I am ready!

Have I read my Science Book? Nope. I know. Pitiful! It will all come together like it always does, every year! I am not worried!

I found out something yesterday that made me absolutely Praise my Jesus for getting me out of a situation I was in! As you all know, I taught Preschool last year, for one year, and it was not my favorite thing in the world. I found out that THIS year they have switched to YEAR ROUND preschool! I am SO thankful I will not be part of that! I have learned not to say "there is no way" or "never", but I will say, Thank you Jesus that it is not me! Those teachers are really bummed, and I can't say I blame them in the least. There is something to be said about having a job at all, but for it to be completely changed with no warning, has to be hard! Yipes!

As for my church Job, all is well. I have about 10 emails to send this morning and here I am blogging, but I just had to get that out!

Until next time,


sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

I love back to school time!! And that is a good deal about the pre-school thing. It seems like a lot of schools are starting to try out the year round stuff but I don't know if I'd like that!

rickaren said...

Holy Cow! Praise our Wonderful Maker indeed! Glad you don't have to do a year around school-- boo!
And as for school? Wasn't ready to go back, but always (and yes, still) ready to buy supplies!