Thursday, August 20, 2009


My Facebook Status today said: "Samantha T is feeling more encouraged than ever. Our God is SO faithful!"

Here are a few reasons for my encouragement:

* I am REALLY teaching 6th grade now! It seems to good to be true...but it is! I met a bunch of my students yesterday and I am officially ready for the first day of school tomorrow!

* Since I teach in a Christian School, the obvious reason we do what we do is to share the Love of Jesus with our students and families. I have always known this, but this year, the spirit of the faculty and staff is so where it is supposed to be! My prayer is that it stays that way...even through the valleys!

* I had a parent volunteer to be my home room coordinator. She is on the ball! I already received an email from her asking me all my favorites! YAY!

* We officially paid off Clint's surgery from last September! Our goal was a year, and thank you Jesus, we took care of it 3 weeks ahead of time!

* I found the CUTEST black shoes today for $7!

* I am going to Revival at my In-Laws church on Saturday and am excited about that!

I know there are many many more...but for now...this is where I am!

Until next time,


Anonymous said...


sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Wow, that is awesome!! If this was Facebook I would hit the "like" button. :)

rickaren said...

I'm so glad you're so happy!