Monday, August 10, 2009


4 more sleeps.

That is all.

Until what you ask? Until inservice begins and my life as a summer bum is officially over. No time to panic now, just stating the facts!

Remember this girl?

She is the one on the left. Her name is Ashlynn and she was by far one of my favorite 4K girls of the past year! I LOVE that little girl! Anyway, before I have an emotional meltdown, I must continue! Back in April, we were learning about plants. So, I pulled one of my old 4th grade projects from the back of my mind and did it in 4K. Yep...we planted lima beans in a plastic cup. The kids loved it and enjoyed being able to check on it daily.

I got an email from Ashlynn's mom today. It simply stated that Ashlynn told her that she HAD to show Mrs. Thompson the picture of her lima bean plant. Apparently she had taken the plant to her grandma's house and convinced them they HAD to plant it in the yard. The thing is now 4 1/2 feet tall and they have harvested it twice now! I just smiled! So precious!

The only thing better than this would have been a picture of sweet Ashlynn standing with her plant!

Alrighty...nothing more to post other than the fact that I saw the movie Julie and Julia today. It was fantastic!

Love to you all!
Until next time,


sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

She is such a doll!! And how funny about the lima bean plant!

carrie said...

I did that project too in kindergarten, what good memories:) that is so sweet she planted it at home and it's huge!