Saturday, August 29, 2009


Oh my soul is right! I have just returned from a most amazing experience that I hope to dwell in and think upon in the weeks to come! I went to my very first Beth Moore Conference. Well...kind of. It was a Simulcast. But...I felt like I was there, with her and the praise team, in Wisconsin. A.MAZ.ING!

First and foremost it was amazing due to the fact that we serve an amazing God! (Amazing doesn't do Him justice!) All that Beth brought before the women at the conference was nothing is His Word, that has always been, but she brought it at JUST the right time, in JUST the right words and my oh my, did I need to hear it!

The entire 3 session weekend was based on Psalm 37:4. The same verse that growing up, I would quote over and over. "Delight thyself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Easy enough right?!?! Her explanation of the desires of our heart and our hearts desire were so great. I won't try to repeat what she said, but I will say this. You have GOT to get your hands on her lessons on this verse. Somehow, some way, you HAVE TO!

She had 7 points taken from Psalm 37:1-9 that I will copy for you in hopes of striking your interest button just enough so you will figure out a way to hear these lessons!

1. Nothing dictates our lives like our desires.
*At the end of the day, we do what we want to!
2. Beneath the desires of our heart, is the heart of our desires.
*Look for what is present in the absence!
3. Delighting in God adapts our desires into inevitabilities.
4. Nothing external can steal our right to delight.
5. To make room for delight we have to commit.
6. Nothing is passive about potentially waiting for desire to turn into delight.
7. Till faith becomes sight, TRUST GOD and DO GOOD.

I hope this blesses somebody, somewhere!

Until next time,


rickaren said...

Very good stuff! Thanks for sharing, Samantha! Glad you enjoyed yourself!

Morgan said...

I just came across your blog.I was clicking on a few who left comments on Beth's blog to see a glimpse of Gods work during the weekend. I was so glad that you posted her 7 points because sadly I couldn't read 2 of them because I was writing so fast. God is good!!

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Wow, I love Beth Moore! What an amazing topic...thanks so much for sharing the recap! It definitely blessed me. :)