Friday, July 2, 2010

The Millie-gator

Most of you know that I was born in Louisiana. I am a cajun at heart and come from a whole line of cajuns! I love spicy food and seafood of all kind! I love red beans and rice, gumbo and boudin (said boo-dan)! I love listening to my family talk because they have that cajun accent that I never had the chance to really get.

When my Dad and Cindy came two weeks ago, they brought something that was made especially for Millie. Apparently this is something that used to be made long ago for all the little cajun babies that were born, but somehow the tradition sort of stopped! Well, my favorite aunt Laurie pulled some strings and made some connections with my great aunt Nan and had this made especially for our Millie!

I am SO thankful to have that part of my heritage to pass on to our sweet girl! I look forward to taking her picture with her Millie-gator as the months go by!

Thanks Aunt Laurie! Love you bunches!


Anonymous said...

That picture of Clint is Ha-Larious!

Your great Granny made these when I was a kid. After she passed away, the pattern got lost. Aunt Nan found a similar pattern (on-line?)and started making them again! Mine was pink with white polka dots.

Every little Cajun girl needs a gator in her room!

Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way, I have a blog on here now.

Dani said...

ok. that's amazing. and the pic of clint made me LOL for real. loveyou. see you and the baby sooooon!

rickaren said...

That is very cute and such a fun idea!