Monday, July 26, 2010

Tid Bits For Today

Because of my scattered brain and head full of goes another Tid Bits post!

Mom- not sure how much I have mentioned my mom on here since Millie's arrival, but I am SO.GLAD.SHE'S.HERE! By the time she leaves to go back home, she will have been here for 3 solid weeks. I can honestly say that I have very much enjoyed having her. She has been the biggest help and the best midnight shift Mimi ever! I am excited to get to our little family of 3 and see how that will be, but I am going to be a MESS when my mom leave! I don't know that words could quite express how I feel! I just love her!

Nana and Papa T.- We are taking our first trip to Tifton this Friday. The plan is to arrive at Nana and Papa's in mid afternoon and just hang with them. Saturday at 10:00 a.m. we have an appointment with Clint's cousin who is an AMAZING photographer and will be taking pictures of Millie for us. We got a few gift certificates for him from his parents at our baby showers. TOO SWEET!

Pictures- Speaking of pictures...I am not the most creative person as I have mentioned on here a time or two...BUT! I ordered the cutest watermelon seed bloomers from an etsy shop online. They came in the day after we got home with Millie. My Father in law has a HUGE watermelon that he is "babying" in the fields (covered it with at blanket so it wouldn't sunburn) and the plan is to lay our sweet little watermelon baby on this big watermelon with her cute little bloomers on! I can't wait to see how that turns out! Hopefully my expectations are not too high and I can go with the flow!

Chili's and Target- We ate out for the first time with Millie yesterday. She slept the whole time like an angel, but mommy was a nervous wreck. I seriously thought someone was going to kick, trip, or bump the carseat holder she was in. No one did and we all survived, but my nerves were shot. Target was better...I had more control...but by the time we got there...I was pooped! We picked up a bottle warmer and some shelves for her room.

Shelves??- We have totally re-arranged our living room. We were in MUCH need of more seats due to the amount of visitors we've had and will continue to have now that there is a reason to visit! ;) We had our matching love seat in Millie's room, but it is back out in the living room. We never thought we had room, but decided to cover up the fire place with the long really doesn't look bad and it takes care of blocking it for when we have a crawler. Since we moved the couch out of the nursery, we had to do something to cover up the empty space...shelves were very much needed so that is what we went with. Daddy still has to put them together, then we'll be all set!

Breast Buds- Seriously had a FREAK OUT moment last night. Clint was rocking Millie and I was washing bottles. My mom says "come feel Millies boo.bies" I'm like "WHAT?" I did, and they were "hard"! I got so scared, but we googled it. Apparently this is "normal" for babies due to their mommy's crazy hormones that shoot out right before delivery. We are still gonna tell the doctor, but I was able to calm down a little after reading about it! Yikes!

Work- I hate typing that word. It's been a while though. The assistant principal called me the other night. We chatted about all things school and still have nothing really settled other than the fact that I am teaching 4th grade reading. That's all good. Still don't know when I am returning. Still can't move into my classroom. I did tell her I would make arrangements to be at open house to meet the parents, but that I probably wouldn't be back until closer to October. We shall see!

Love- I'm in LOVE! I love my Husband! I love my baby girl! I love coffee again! So far, I love huggies better than luvs (I haven't opened the pampers yet)! I love organization! I love having plans...even it they are little plans of organizing! I love my Jesus and the fact that I have open communication with Him 24/7! I love the fact that my step-dad Larry fixed our computer and I don't have to move my blog!!!

Until next time,


Unknown said...

It's the little things, girl. Take it easy and enjoy all the little things.