Friday, July 9, 2010


So here I sit with my feet up and my laptop on my lap...waiting...and waiting!
My Mom should be pulling in ANY MINUTE and I am overjoyed. I think I might cry! I have never been the "clingy" type with my mom. I love her, she loves me but we have our own lives and pick up the phone at least once a week to talk.
Since I have been pregnant we talk about 3-4 times a week. And I love it! I hope it stays like that as this new phase of life begins! Since our Triage experience on Wednesday, I admit it...I want my mommy!!!
I am so excited to show her Millie's nursery and talk about what food she is going to make this week and just have her company!

I guess that is all there is to say for now. Hopefully I will have more news to share in the next few days!!!

Say it with me..."Come on Millie!"

Until next time,


rickaren said...

Come on, Millie!!!

H said...

One week, Samanatha...SEVEN DAYS!!!!!!!!!! COME ON, MILLIE!:) Tell your mama hi for me!